Thursday, August 11, 2011

Roots and Recipes: Food Choice

Since the beginning of my life my family tradition has always been part of me. Every new year I would go over my grandmas house to celebrate and cook aroscaldo. And once I open the front door the burning pans and hot steams screaming form the kitchen, meant it was gonna be a good year. Once you've enter the kitchen my taste buds would go crazy because of the delight aroma I would smell. My culture believes that every new year when you eat rice it would bring good health and strength to you. So you can have a good life.


  1. I liked how you used a lot of sensory and explained why this dish is so special to you and your tradition. One thing you need to add is more life and voice into your essay.

  2. I really like how you used sensory details in the part where you opened your front door and into the kitchen. Maybe you could add who in your family started this tradition.

  3. Hi Branden,
    What is aroscaldo? I like the way you introduce it, both with the traditional name and with the part it plays for your family and your culture. When you put together the essay, check your images to be sure they are consistent and convey the emotion you want (for example, the words "burning" and "screaming" aren't the most inviting, actually :)
    mrs s
